To be the master of new ideas, innovations & to serve the Nation and the world, through excellence in education and advanced research in all the streams of Civil Engineering
The Department aims in imparting strong basics and applied research for National needs to serve industry, profession and society through a nobel solutions and produce outstanding Civil Engineering undergraduates with highest ethics
To offer world-class undergraduate education, research guidance, professional consultancy, outreach and manpower training as well as leadership in Civil Engineering.
Hearty Welcome to Civil Engineering Department, JNTUH SULTANPUR. The Department of Civil Engineering, one of the founding Departments of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University HYDERABAD, over the years, has grown tremendously, and is now recognized as one of the best and major Engineering Departments in the country and ranked highly in the world for Civil Engineering. With its multifaceted faculty (1 Fulltime Faculty and additionally 8 Adjunct and 2 Visiting Faculty), it provides high quality teaching and research. We provide very attractive facilities and environment that joins the Department as Faculty or Student.
As the problems the society faces are multi-dimensional, so must be our efforts at combating them. With this view in mind, since the inception of the Department, our goal is to do research in challenging engineering problems and provide efficient engineering solution in the various sub-disciplines of Civil Engineering. The department has strong focus in the research areas of Transportation Systems Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geographical information system &Remote Sensing, and Construction Technology and Management. The Department has B.Tech programmes in Civil Engineering. Department has 10 high end teaching and research laboratories.
The Department is actively involved in basic and applied research and consultancy and provides high quality technical advisory support through various R & D projects and consultancy to various organizations. Through academic and sponsored research our faculty and students have published large number of research publications in quality Journals having high impact factor. In the recent past, the Department has attracted significant amount of sponsored research funding from government and private agencies and delivered excellent output in terms of implementable solutions.
The Department disseminates the knowledge gained from its high quality research through training programs and interacts with world renowned personalities through workshops and conferences. The students and faculty have won prestigious national awards and recognition, and continuing to bring laurels to the Department and the Institute. Quite a good number of our faculty members continue to be Research workshops.
As per the vision and mission, our aim is to deliver the best to our students, to the society and the nation.